Special Needs Cats and FELVIES

Just like humans, there are cats with special needs due to physical deformities or chronic health issues: such as a missing limb or eye, conditions like Stomatitis, special diet requirements or FIV (Feline immunodeficiency virus).
Most cats with special needs are wonderful pets and need very little, if any extra care.

However, most adopters overlook cats with special needs out of fear of the unknown or concern for costs of the care needed.

For those cats who do need extra care, Cat Matchers waives the adoption fee and can cover the cost of care associated with that specific health problem at one of our participating veterinarians. (noted on the cats bio as Care Contract)

Special Needs Cats

Feline Leukemia Exposed, but testing negative to date

FELVIES (Feline Leukemia positive cats)
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), is a virus that attacks the immune system of a cat. It isn’t a form of cancer; it is actually a virus that weakens the immune system. Cats with FeLV can live normal, happy healthy lives, they just have a shorter life expectancy than FeLV negative cats.

Historically, cats with this disease have been euthanized as soon as they were diagnosed. Cat Matchers has decided to go a different direction on this.  We want our FELVIE foster cats to have the same chance at finding loving forever homes as the other cats and kittens in our foster system.

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